Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 29... Ready, Set...... #31days

I have a morning routine.  Do you?  When I follow my morning routine I get most of what needs to be done.  When things get out of order I miss (or almost miss) things.

When we had this precious girl home as a newborn we of course had a diaper bag ready to go.  Just like all parents there are standard things that HAD to leave the house with us every time (or else we would go back and start again).  After a while we also had a hospital bag ready to go.  This had some things for her but also things for me.  Seriously, asking the husband to look in a specific drawer in a specific place isn't always effective (do we remember the pants?).

The hospital bag stayed packed for a long time (like 6 or 7 years I think).  Our hospitalizations happen less frequently and we are better at knowing when it is coming so I can usually grab my essentials just before we leave or while waiting for the doctor to return the call.

We have found routine and order to be so helpful for many aspect of caring of Alex.  For 11 years we had the same nutrition routine for her.  It was amazing how often we would look at a clock or she would ask for her formula at just 2:30 each afternoon.  It became the family clock and we all moved by it.

For the past two and a half months we have made changes to this well run routine.  This has been hard for all of us.  We are having to think about many things.  I know we will all get better at it and we already have.

It all reminds me that God does like for us to be prepared.  Throughout the Bible there are references to things that need to be prepared and things that have been prepared.  1 Peter 3:15 says "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."

Many of my daily routines and disciplines help me prepare for the physical needs of my day but also for the spiritual needs.  I need to be ready and prepared.  God has done an amazing work in me and has given me a great hope.  The hope I have in Jesus surpassed anything I can imagine here on earth.

Daily I need to prepare for my family but I also need to prepare for what God has for me each day.  So, are you ready, set....?

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