Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 20... Fingerprints #31days

We all know that our children are amazing works of art.  God has made them special and unique.

Psalm 139:14 says 
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, Your works are wonderful I know that full well."

Since becoming a mom almost 15 years ago that verse reminds me of the amazing plans God must have for my kids.

Stone number 5 has this verse and the fingerprints of Claire and the hand print and  foot print of Alex on them.

While I have always known He made them special this verse holds a special place for me in my parenting "tool box".

You see Alex's disorder is genetic.  God chose one gene from her dad and I am used them to put her together.  Without those genes she would not have LCHAD.  Without those genes she would not be made the way He chose to make her.  I have to choose to embrace this.  I choose Alex.  I always choose Alex.  Alex has LCHAD.

This story goes back to even before we knew she was on her way....

We had tried for some time to have another baby.  We had consented to some testing to determine what the problem was.  Deric and I went to get the results of those test.  They were inconclusive and they suggested more aggressive treatments.

We thanked them and left.  Over lunch we discussed that neither of us had a peace about pursuing the options they presented to us.  We prayed.  We agreed to wait.  We would not even revisit the issue until after the first of the year (this was November).  We specifically prayed that if God wanted us to have another child that He would act in such a way that we would KNOW it was His plan and not ours.

Guess what, I was already pregnant with Miss Alex at the time and we didn't know it.

God has given us a sweet gift of knowing that He created her.  She is just the way He wants her to be.  What assurance we have as we walk through this journey.  She is not an accident.  She is unique and special and an amazing masterpiece that God continues to mold and shape.

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