Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Gift of a Grey Day

Do you enjoy the gift of a grey day?  Today is a grey kind of day here.  I breath in a tad deeper and pause just a moment.  Today is a gift.

Some grey days are great for curling up with a good book.  Some are perfect for a movie marathon.  Some grey days fit a melancholy mood.  They are a stark contrast to the sunny HOT days we often seen here in Texas.

Life is busy and hectic.  Often we move at such a fast pace that we need to stop and enjoy a grey day.

Today is not a slow day or less hectic.  I can not curl up with a book or cuddle with my girls and watch movies all day.  Instead it is full.

I long just a tad for those days when my girls were little.  I also remember that many grey days in a row can drag on.  I remember days when the grey fit my mood and God met me there.  I think on sweet times of being home and the schedule didn't move by as fast.

This morning as I gaze out the window ready to get on with the day I pause and breath deeply.    I am refreshed by God's beautiful grey day.