Saturday, March 14, 2009

Cute gifts...

a fun thing for our college friend.

Hearts for my house...

Here are the hearts I made. I LOVE them.

Cute things...

So I wanted to put a few of my latest projects here. Sometimes they inspire me, sometimes not, but I am starting to snap a few pictures of my fun things to remember.

I LOVE this and a thrilled that I gave it away. It was a fun project. Who knows, maybe I'll make myself one.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Trust and Obey"

Today I heard "Trust and Obey" (an old hymn) mentioned (it is actually one of my favorites!). It got me to thinking about when I first hid this in my heart. I was a Freshman in high school and taught 4 year olds on Sunday evenings. There was this smart little guy who always requested this song. He could really belt it out. I was really growing in my faith and began to savor what these words ment to me.

I realized that I really LIKE this song. I like trusting in the Lord, I like obeying him. I am pretty much a rule follower. When I KNOW I am obeying I definately find peace from the Lord. As I have grown up in the lord I have come to understand obeying doesn't eliminate stress or bad things from my life, but it does put me in a better place to find peace from God.

A few years ago I found myself in a Bible study. One of my favorite believers admitted that she doesn't "trust" easily. She looks for and maybe almost demands proof. God provides so much of that and encourages us to seek him, so I know this isn't bad, but I did struggle a bit with the fact that I don't question God's authority in my life (not usually anyway).

I like the fact that he is in control. He certainly does things better than I do. It is interesting to realize that this little hymn can encourage such a great basis of faith. I wonder if I've passed this nugget along to my girls? If not, I think I should.

Friday, January 23, 2009

not a full heart...

So today marks the end of a short school week for the girls. I had a light week overall, but my heart is still heavy at the end of it. Sometimes I struggle to look past the things in my life that make me feel heavy and burdened, others I do ok. For some reason this week is a very heavy week. I know what I know. I believe ALL of God's truths to be true. I still struggle.

Friday, January 16, 2009


It really is Friday. The girls are home from school and I helped my c get a blog up and going. It is a bit frustrating to not know how all of this works, but I'm trying and she is trying to be patient.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ok, so today I've taken a step in the world of technology. My interest in blogging was actually started by my ten year old daughter. Then I have found myself searching for creative ideas, some crafty, some not, and found myself in a world of creative minds and tender hearts. Suddenly I wanted a blog. Now I have it. I can't wait to see what I do with my new toy.